Dear Parents,
School is out and the busy summer activities begin camps, vacations, swimming and other water activities, 4th of July fireworks and sporting events. We at Pediatric and Family Eyecare want to remind you of safety measures to use to prevent and protect your children’s eyes!
Have all family members wear eye protection during lawn mowing or weed eating, whether operating the equipment or working or playing in the vicinity.
Remember that paintball, BB guns, darts, and fireworks (even sparklers) are not harmless toys and are frequently the cause of blinding eye injuries when used without proper supervision or safety precautions.
Have your child comply with all eye protection recommendations pertaining to the sports or occupation in which he or she is involved.
Toddlers and sharp objects of interest to them just say “NO”! Better to be a “spoil sport” with a child with two healthy eyes, than a regretful pushover parent of a child who has lost an eye due to a preventable accident.
Your child’s success in school begins with good vision. We at Pediatric and Family Eyecare want your back to school preparations to be stress free. Plan for your “back to school” visits to our offices by calling 918-949-9898 to schedule an appointment at one of our sites:
Tulsa, Bartlesville, Muskogee, and Miami
Have a relaxing and safe summer!